
Trademark: CARMINGO ™

Variety:  Faralia  (S)

Species: Prunus armeniaca


Breeder, Place M. F. Bois
Intellectual property Artevos, Germany
Crossing number IPS 1.2.85
Type, Selection clone INFEL 4446
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights and trademark


Blooming date, -intensity medium blossom period, high density
Fertility partially self-fertile
Pollinator TSUNAMI ™ EA 5016 (S), PINKCOT ™ Cotpy (S), PINK MARRY ™, CARMINGO ™ Mediabel (S), Flopria (S), Orangenaprikose, Robada (S), BERGEVAL ™ Aviclo (S), Iziagat (S), Lotte (S), Kioto (S), Jengat (S), Harogem, Vertige (S), ORANGE SUMMER ™ Zaitorde (S)
Frost susceptibility low susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost


Ripening time very late, about 2 weeks after 'Bergeron'
Scale, shape medium to large, ovoid with a pronounced apex, limited suture
Colour orange ground colour, 40-60 % shiny pink red over colour
Fruit flesh pale orange, tender melting, juicy flesh with a very velutinous skin
Taste aromatic with balanced acidity
Cracking sensitivity very stable
Stone separability freestone
Plum pox not suitable for sites with high risk for Plum Pox infection
Storage very good


Vigour medium strong, semi-upright to spreading, very good even branching
Crop load from an early age regular high yields


This late ripening, cracking resistant variety has an attractive appearance and a long harvest period.

In the past warm years, the harvest period has been significantly earlier at various locations.

Some additional pollinators with the same flowering time should be planted to guarantee high yield.

For site selection take into account the high susceptibility to ESFY.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com