
Variety:  Orangenaprikose

Species: Prunus armeniaca


Breeder, Place F. Hough, University New Jersey, USA
Parents Lasgerdi Mashhad x (Sout x Mc Clure)
Type, Selection clone INFEL 2892


Blooming date, -intensity early to medium early blossom period, ideal to high density
Fertility self-sterile
Pollinator TSUNAMI ™ EA 5016 (S), PINKCOT ™ Cotpy (S), PINK MARRY ™, CARMINGO ™ Priabel (S), CARMINGO ™ Mediabel (S), Flopria (S), Robada (S), Goldrich, Iziagat (S), Lotte (S), Harogem, ORANGE SUMMER ™ Zaitorde (S)
Frost susceptibility medium susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost


Ripening time early
Scale, shape large, about 60 g, ellipsoid
Colour intense yellow ground colour, shiny orange red over colour
Fruit flesh orange, firm, very juicy
Taste very aromatic, well balanced sugar-acid ratio
Cracking sensitivity low
Stone separability freestone
Plum pox less susceptible
Storage good


Vigour strong, semi-upright to spreading, good branching
Crop load medium to ideal high crop, is prone to biennial bearing, fruit thinning is essential when there is a heavy crop load


Highly interesting early ripening variety that has an excellent taste, fruit size and attractive appearance. The crop load is mostly moderate. To avoid biennial bearing there should be thorough fruit thinning. This variety has high demands for the choice of site and should only be planted in warm areas.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com