
Variety:  Robada (S)

Species: Prunus armeniaca


Breeder, Place C.S. Ledbetter, USDA Fresno, USA
Intellectual property STAR FRUITS ®, France
Type, Selection clone INFEL 3749
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date, -intensity medium early blossom period, high to very high density
Fertility self-sterile
Pollinator TSUNAMI ™ EA 5016 (S), SPRING BLUSH ™ EA 3126TH (S), PINKCOT ™ Cotpy (S), PINK MARRY ™, CARMINGO ™ Priabel (S), CARMINGO ™ Mediabel (S), Flopria (S), Orangenaprikose, Iziagat (S), Lotte (S), Harogem, ORANGE SUMMER ™ Zaitorde (S)
Frost susceptibility very low


Ripening time medium early, shortly after 'Orangenaprikose'
Scale, shape medium large, rounded, limited suture
Colour intense orange ground colour, > 80 % shiny red over colour
Fruit flesh light orange, finely textured, very juicy
Taste very aromatic with balanced acidity
Cracking sensitivity low
Stone separability freestone
Storage good


Vigour weak to medium strong, spreading, without central leader, very good branching, small healthy leaves with striking red shoot tips
Crop load high to very high, timely fruit thinning is necessary


Variety with a secure high yield production, high crop load and outstanding fruit qualities. The fruits impresses with their bright colouring. Fruit thinning is exceptionally important for this variety. Annual too high yields in successive years can lead to tree loss. The robust blossoms ensure good yield even when bad weather conditions occur during flowering.


gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com