Breeder, Place | SDR FRUIT LLC, USA |
Intellectual property | COT INTERNATIONAL, France |
Property rights | registered for EU plant variety rights and trademark |
Blooming date, -intensity | medium late to late blossom period, ideal to high density |
Fertility | self-sterile |
Pollinator | BERGEVAL ™ Aviclo (S), SONNENSCHEIN ™ Gartenaprikose, Candide (S), Kioto (S), Jengat (S), Vertige (S), Bergeron, Frisson (S), CARMINGO ™ Faralia (S) |
Frost susceptibility | very low susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost |
Ripening time | medium, 12-15 days after 'Orangenaprikose' |
Scale, shape | medium large, rounded to ellipsoid, limited suture |
Colour | creamy ground colour, 20-50 % shiny light to medium red over colour |
Fruit flesh | champagne coloured, firm, juicy |
Taste | very aromatic, minimal acidity in the skin, well balanced sugar-acid ratio |
Cracking sensitivity | low tendency to rupture at the suture |
Stone separability | freestone |
Plum Pox | resistant according to breeder |
Storage | good |
Vigour | medium strong, semi-upright, good branching, fruit-wood pendulous |
Crop load | from an early age ideal to high when well pollinated |
An apricot with a unique and attractive appearance!
The cream coloured fruit shows an outstanding contrast to all other apricot varieties. This variety also has excellent flavour. A good choice for direct on farm sales that creates a very high recognition value for the customers.