
Variety: Mesembrine (S)

Species: Prunus nucipersica


Breeder, Place INRA, France
Intellectual property CEP Innovation, France
Crossing number 6606
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date, -intensity medium blossom period with high to very high density and prolonged blossom
Fertility self-fertile
Flower shape rose shape
Frost susceptibility low susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost


Ripening time medium, 7. peach week, 3-6 days after 'Redhaven'
Scale, shape medium to large flat nectarine
Skin smooth-skinned
Colour yellow orange ground colour, > 80 % red to dark red over colour
Fruit flesh yellow, finely textured, very juicy
Taste sweet-spicy, slightly nutty
Stone separability clingstone
Storage good


Vigour medium strong, good branching, very well adapted for central leader, good tree health and healthy foliage
Crop load from an early age regular high yield


This fairly cracking resistant flat nectarine convinces with its good fruit size and at the same time high crop load. Just as striking is the attractive, bright fruit colouring on shaded fruits. To avoid cracking at the stalk cavity, a timely harvest is recommended.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)