Breeder, Place | R. Monteux, Caillet, France |
Intellectual property | STAR FRUITS ®, France |
Property rights | registered for EU trademark |
Blooming date, -intensity | medium-early to medium blossom period, ideal to high density |
Fertility | self-fertile |
Flower shape | rose shape |
Frost susceptibility | very low susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost |
Ripening time | medium, 6. peach week, in the ripening time of 'Redhaven' |
Scale, shape | large, rounded with a limited suture |
Skin | smooth-skinned |
Colour | nearly 100% crimson over colour, fruit colours well in the shade |
Fruit flesh | intense yellow, firm, juicy |
Taste | underripe already well flavoured, aromatic-sweet, less acidity |
Stone separability | partial freestone |
Storage | good |
Vigour | medium to strong, semi-upright to spreading, very dense tree, healthy and dark green leaves, especially in the juvenile stage increased risk of branch breakage |
Crop load | medium to high with an optimal crop without any overproduction |
MONABELLE ™ is a yellow-fleshed peach which convinces with attractive shape and colour. The large fruits with the velutinous fruit skin are a sweet delight. The low proneness to rotting is remarkable even in humid years.