
Trademark: PATTY 

Variety: Zaisito (S)

Species: Prunus persica


Breeder, Place Floyd Zaiger, California, USA
Intellectual property Artevos, Germany
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights and trademark


Blooming date, -intensity very early blossom period, medium to strong density
Fertility self-fertile
Flower shape rose shape
Frost susceptibility low susceptibility of flower buds to winter frost


Ripening time early, 2.-3. peach week, 3-5 days after 'Maicrest'
Scale, shape medium, rounded, symmetrically even half-fruits
Skin nearly smooth-skinned
Colour 100 % crimson coloured even in the shade
Fruit flesh cream white, finely textured, very juicy
Taste very aromatic, spicy with fine acidity, good taste even when slightly underripe
Stone separability freestone at full maturity
Storage good


Vigour weak to medium strong, semi-upright, well branched, young trees tend to branch breaking
Crop load yields are high and regular from an early age, fruit-thinning is necessary to maintain good fruit size


PATTY ™ is the best, early ripening, white-fleshed peach variety at the moment. The excellent fruit qualities include the very smooth skin, almost 100 % staining of the fruits as well as a pronounced peach aroma. A timely harvest is essential because the fruits tend to rupture when fully ripe. When selecting a site take into account the very early flowering and medium sensitivity to frost damage of the wood during the juvenile phase.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)