
Variety: Bellamira (S)

Species: Prunus domestica


Breeder, Place Prof. Dr. Helmut Jacob, Research institute Geisenheim, Germany
Intellectual property Artevos, Germany
Parents Cacaks Beste x Nancymirabelle, 1994
Crossing number P 34-56
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date medium late to late
Fertility self-fertile


Ripening time medium, 6. plum week, 3-5 days before 'Nancymirabelle'
Scale, shape large, Ø 30 mm, 20 g, globose
Colour yellow green to yellow, strong bloom, on sunny side light red cheek
Fruit flesh yellowish, medium firm, very juicy
Taste aromatic-sweetish with gage aromatics
Cracking sensitivity low, less susceptible to Monilia
Stone separability good
Plum pox tolerant


Vigour medium to strong growing, semi-upright, at mature stage spreading, good branching
Crop load from an early age, high and regular, low tendency to biennial bearing


This attractive, large mirabelle-plum expands the picking season of the classic 'Nancymirabelle' season. It is well suited for dessert fruit and processing.

The long harvest window is also remarkable.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com