Japanese Plum

Variety: Fortune

Species: Prunus salicina


Breeder, Place J.H. Weinberger, Fresno, California, USA
Property rights free variety


Blooming date early to medium
Fertility self-sterile
Pollinator Catalina, Crimson Glo (S)


Ripening time 18-20 days after 'Crimson Glo (S)', same ripening time as 'TOPTASTE™ Kulinaria (S)'
Scale, shape large, rounded, slightly oblong, limited suture, plain stalk cavity
Colour red to purple, medium heavy bloom
Fruit flesh intense yellow, finely textured, very juicy
Taste aromatic at full maturity and slightly perfumed, skin slightly sourish
Cracking sensitivity low
Stone separability partial freestone, small stone
Storage good


Vigour medium to strong, upright, good even branching, cropping branches tend to bend down, dark green, healthy leaves
Crop load regular good yields


The medium late ripening 'Fortune' is a high-yielding variety that shows good fruit sizes at the same time. Good flavour and intensive colouring can only be developed with timely fruit thinning.

Sensitivity to ESFY must be considered when choosing a site.


gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com