
Trademark: TOPTASTE ™

Variety: Kulinaria (S)

Species: Prunus domestica


Breeder, Place Prof. Dr. Helmut Jacob, Fachhochschule Geisenheim
Intellectual property Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany
Parents Valor x Hauszwetschge, 1994
Crossing number P 33-3
Property rights registered for German plant variety rights and EU-trademark


Blooming date medium late to late
Fertility self-sterile
Pollinator Cacaks Schöne, Felsina, Topfive (S), Auerbacher, Nancymirabelle, Cacaks Fruchtbare, Topper (S), Fellenberg, Hauszwetschgen-Typen, Tophit Plus (S), Victoria


Ripening time medium late, 8. plum week
Scale, shape medium to large, 35-42 mm, > 40 g, ellipsoid to ovoid
Colour dark to black blue, heavy bloom, pronounced lenticels
Fruit flesh yellow, firm, very juicy
Taste sweet-aromatic, spicy
Cracking sensitivity low
Stone separability partial clingstone
Plum pox tolerant
Storage variable, in some years there can be neck shrivel


Vigour medium strong, semi-upright to upright, good branching
Crop load regular and ideal yields from an early age without biennial bearing


TOPTASTE ™ impresses not only with its attractive appearance but also with its spicy and highly aromatic fruits. With its good internal qualities it is suitable as dessert fruit for direct sales and also distilling. Because of its partial clingstone it is less suitable for baking.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)