Sweet cherry

Variety: Areko (S)

Species: Prunus avium


Breeder, Place Prof. Dr. Hanna Schmidt, Ahrensburg / Dr. Mirko Schuster, Dresden, Germany
Intellectual property Julius Kühn-Institut (Fruit Invest International GmbH)
Parents Kordia x Regina
Crossing number 92/31-22
Synonym formerly Hamid
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date late to very late
Fertility self-sterile
S-allele, sterility group S1 S3, group 2
Pollinator Carmen (S), Early Korvik (S), PAPILLON ™ Pillangó (S), STARDUST ™ 13 N 07-70 (S), Klara (S), Kordia, Rubin, Henriette (S), Irena (S), KIR VULCANO ™ KSG  16 A (S), KIR LAMOUR ™ KSG 24 A (S), CERASINA ™ Final 12.1 (S)
Incompatible with ADELISE ™ Masdel, SAMBA ™ Sumste (S), SATIN ™ Sumele (S), Regina, Otto (S)


Ripening time medium late, 6.-7. cherry week
Scale, shape large, 28-30 mm, attractive heart-shaped with small apex, slight shoulders, long to very long, robust stalks
Colour dark to black red, slightly marbled, shiny
Fruit flesh dark to black red, firm, fine-celled and juicy
Taste aromatic with balanced acidity, acidity dissipated when fully mature
Cracking sensitivity low, after heavy rainfall highripe fruits tend to crack in the stalk cavity, pistil point not sensitive
Storage good


Vigour medium strong, semi-upright to widely spreading, good branching
Crop load ideal high crop load with even dense hanging fruits without clusters


This sweet cherry variety ripens between 'Kordia' and 'Regina' in our climate. Areko (S) is very attractive and yields regular with good fruit size. Also typical is the cracking tolerance. High picking rates are possible because of the long stalks and evenly distributed fruits.
If there is a long period of heat during fruit maturity, the firmness of the fruit decreases.
In other regions Areko (S) ripens before or with 'Kordia'.


gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com