Sweet cherry

Trademark: CERASINA ™

Varierty: Prim 2.1 (S)

Species: Prunus avium


Breeder, Place Peter Stoppel, Kressbronn/Bodensee, Germany
Intellectual property CERASINA GmbH
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights and trademark


Blooming date medium early
Fertility self-sterile
S-allele, sterility group S3 S9, group 16
Pollinator Nimba (S), CERASINA ™ Prim 2.3 (S), CERASINA ™ Prim 3.1 (S), BELLISE ™ Bedel, EARLY RED ™ Maraly (S), ADELISE ™ Masdel, SAMBA ™ Sumste (S), Vanda (S), Fertille (S), Aida (S), SATIN ™ Sumele (S), Tamara (S), SWEETHEART ™ Sumtare (S), CERASINA ™ Final 13.1 (S), KIR ROSSO ™ KSG 03 A (S)
Incompatible with Souvenir des Charmes, Burlat, Walter (S)


Ripening time early, 2. cherry week at Kressbronn/Bodensee, Germany
Scale, shape large, + 28 mm, heart-shaped with apex and slight shoulders, short to medium long, robust stalk
Colour medium to dark red, clearly marbled, intensely shiny
Fruit flesh firm, juicy
Taste mild taste
Cracking sensitivity low


Vigour medium strong, semi-upright to spreading, very good branching
Crop load medium to ideal


Interesting variety in the early ripening period!

The attractive, large fruits have very good firmness and are easy to pick.
As CERASINA ® Prim 2.1 (S) is sensitive to bacterial canker, planting is only recommended for the best locations.

If you are interested to plant CERASINA™-varieties outside of the Netherlands or Germany we need the authorisation of the license holder.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com