Sweet cherry

Variety: Fertille (S)

Species: Prunus avium


Breeder, Place INRA, France
Intellectual property CEP Innovation, France
Crossing number V 3476
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date medium early
Fertility self-sterile
S-allele, sterility group S3 S6, group 6
Pollinator Nimba (S), Burlat, CERASINA ™ Prim 2.1 (S), CERASINA ™ Prim 2.3 (S), CERASINA ™ Prim 3.1 (S), BELLISE ™ Bedel, EARLY RED ™ Maraly (S), ADELISE ™ Masdel, SAMBA ™ Sumste (S), Vanda (S), SATIN ™ Sumele (S), Aida (S), Tamara (S), SWEETHEART ™ Sumtare (S), CERASINA ™ Final 13.1 (S), KIR ROSSO ™ KSG 03 A (S)
Incompatible with Christiana (S), Kordia


Ripening time medium early, 3.-4. cherry week
Scale, shape large to very large, Ø 30 mm, 10-13 g, kidney to heart-shaped, blunt apex, short to medium long, robust green stalks
Colour dark to black red, clearly marbled, shiny
Fruit flesh firm, Durofel pressure 25: 70-75 at full maturity, crisp, juicy
Taste spicy with balanced acidity, full-bodied
Cracking sensitivity under examination
Storage very good


Vigour medium strong, widely spreading, good branching, medium green and healthy leaf
Crop load ideal to high, regular dense, tends to clusters


Interesting variety in the medium early ripening period with very good firmness. Fertille (S) impresses with its attractive appearance and good fruit qualities. The full-bodied, long-lasting flavour preserves also when stored.

Like in all medium-early sweet cherry varieties strict stronger pruning prevents overcropping. The vitality of the trees supports the fruit quality regarding size, firmness and taste. It also encourages the early ripening of the fruits.

gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com