Nursery - Tree Quality

With each plantation, the fruit grower undertakes a considerable investment for the next 12 to 20 years. Only fruit trees of optimal quality ensure a swift return on investment.
Since the beginning of the tree production, Gräb nursery claims to cultivate only well- feathered and rooted plant material. Well rooted starter material, that we receive from selected rootstock nurseries, is only one component for our quality trees.
After grafting, we remove herbaceous branches on the trunk several times at an early stage to prevent undesired pruning wounds.
In this way, we are able to offer our customers appropriate trees with different stem heights. Furthermore, customized solutions can be elaborated in terms of variety-rootstock combinations.


We offer the following standard tree shapes:

Sweet cherries: one-year-old, two-year-old knip tree
Sour cherries: one-year-old, quarter-standard tree with one-year-old crown
Apricots: one-year-old, spindle bush
Peaches, nectarines: one-year-old, spindle bush
Damsons: one-year-old, two-year-old knip tree, spindle bush
Mirabelles, gages, plums, Japanese plums: one-year-old, two-year-old knip tree, spindle bush
Elderberries: whips, quarter-standard tree


One-year-old: one-year-old grafting, 60 cm stem height
Two-year-old knip tree: two-year-old tree with a one-year-old crown, 60-75 cm stem height
Quarter-standard tree: two-year-old tree with a one-year-old crown, 75-100 cm stem height
Spindle bush: generative two-or three-year old tree, 60-80 cm stem height
Whips: two-year-old tree with one-year-old long shoot +100 to +200 cm


I+ : at least 6 branches with regular and uniform distribution
I : 3-6 branches with regular and uniform distribution
II+ : up to 3 branches, irregular or one-sided branches
II : unbranched

Labelling of intellectual property

protected trademark, registered trademark
(S) These varieties are registered or applied for plant variety rights. These varieties are only allowed for fruit production. Propagation of those varieties is only permitted with prior permission of the variety owner.
gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)