
Sorte: Peche de Vigne

Obstart: Prunus persica


Breeder, Place old french variety from the area of Lyon
Synonym Sanguine D
Property rights free variety


Blooming date, -intensity medium-early blossom period, high density
Fertility self-fertile
Flower shape rose shaped, big and double flowers
Frost susceptibility low to medium


Ripening time medium late, 11. peach week
Scale, shape medium large, rounded
Skin moderate woolly skin
Colour 100 % purple over colour
Fruit flesh red flesh, firm, juicy
Taste sourish, slightly bitter with reminiscences of wine
Stone separability freestone
Storage good


Vigour medium strong, semi-upright
Crop load high to very high, because of the typical preharvest fruit drop the fruits should be picked already underripe


Robust, late ripening variety with red flesh. The large double flowers have a high ornamental value and therefore favoured by florists for decorative purposes. Used as dessert fruit and also for processing e.g. compotes, cake topping and distilling.

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