Sweet cherry

Variety: Carmen (S)

Species: Prunus avium


Breeder, Place Brózik Sándor and Apostol János, Budapest-Erd, Hungary
Intellectual property Artevos, Germany
Parents Sárga Drágán x H 203, 1999
Crossing number III-42/114
Property rights registered for EU plant variety rights


Blooming date medium late, annual very high blossom density
Fertility self-sterile
S-allele, sterility group S4 S5, group 5
Pollinator SATIN ™ Sumele (S), Early Korvik (S), STARBLUSH ™ SPC 207 (S), PAPILLON ™ Pillangó (S), Schneiders späte Knorpel, Walter (S), Kordia, KIR LAMOUR ™ KSG 24 A (S)


Ripening time medium early, 4. cherry week
Scale, shape very large, 30-35 mm, 13-18 g, widely kidney-shaped with a deep stalk cavity, slightly ribbed, long stalk, large stone
Colour shiny medium red, very mature dark red
Fruit flesh at full maturity pink red, medium firm, Durofel pressure 25: 62-65, very juicy, very fleshy
Taste sweet with balanced acidity
Cracking sensitivity high, very sensitive when still greenish yellow


Vigour medium strong, harmonious growth, well suited for central leader training, good branching, typical light green foliage
Crop load excellent and regular crop load


Very attractive, large-fruited variety with outstanding texture and freshness. Carmen (S) is also characterised by its high and regular yield. The fruits are loosely spread without clusters and allow for high picking rates. Because of the high sensitivity to cracking it is recommended to plant this variety only under rain cover.


gräb gbr gehölze und obstbau | bassenheimer straße 49 | d-56220 kettig | tel.: +49 (0)2637 - 940 173 | fax: +49 (0)2637 - 940 174 | mail: info(at)graeb.com